
quarta-feira, 30 de junho de 2010

Learning Strategies

"Learning strategies can be defined as behaviors and thoughts in which the learner engages and which are intended to influence the learner's encoding process. Thus, the goal of any particular learning strategy may be to affect the way in which the learner selects, acquires, organizes, or integrates new knowledge."

  • "good language learners use a large number and range of strategies than 'poor' language learners;"
  • if students learn to use the learning strategies effectively, they may become a more independent learner.


Weinstein, Claire E. and Richard E. Mayer. "The Teaching of Learning Strategies". Innovation Abstracts, v5 n32 Nov 4, 1983.

Cohen, Andrew D. "Strategies in Learning and Using a Second Language". TESL - EJ. Vol 3 n4, January 1999.

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